Anyway, here's this season's porch garden on day 1:
Palm rescued from unoccupied next door porch, Carolina Jessamine, fiddle leaf fig (which has recently been cut in hopes of making a bushier plant instead of a very tall stick with some leaves at the top).
Real flower boxes are very expensive, so we got these and some zip ties and made our own. I planted Morning Glory seeds in this one.
This one has Phlox.
We're trying out these Burpee "eco friendly" starters. Kyle planted "Tasty Treat" tomatoes in this one...
and I planted Convolvulus (I...think) in this one.
My darling avocado, another Carolina jessamine, and our little Areca palm (I'm sure that's not how it's spelled. Whatever)!
Oregano, tarragon, thai basil (I think the only remaining small plant survivor of the summer flood), pitiful desert rose, pot 'o lavender seeds, weed that Kyle insists is something that we planted but has no idea what it is. And Kyle's butt.
When Mom came to visit a while ago, she brought us a couple grocery store Basil plants. Grocery store herbs are the weakest little things but this one has done surprisingly well! Keep on truckin', little Basil plant!
Ok, so there's our new garden. We're hoping the jessamine will sort of climb onto the railing and make a kind of cover but we probably won't be living here long enough for that to happen. Oh, well, still pretty.
Kyle's dad made me a five pound soap mold which I used....last weekend? Two weeks ago? I'm not sure but I made lavender spearmint soap in it. It's awesome!
Also, a couple weeks ago, Kyle brought home a toy for Momo. It's a catnip seagull (?) with all of these red maribou feathers attached. She basically lost her freaking mind for this thing:
The aftermath.
Ok, that's all. Happy weekend, everybody!
1 comment:
It was so beautiful on Saturday and now it's gotten cold!!!! Hope your plants do OK. The porch looks great!
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